Goodman Locksmith, LLC

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When to Replace Locks

Tucker Locksmith Locks are not really items that need to be changed that often. Sure, wear and tear can lead to keys getting stuck or locks not operating properly but a good, high-quality lock can last a long time. It is usually circumstances that dictate when a lock should be replaced.

Wear and tear surely is a reason for a lock to be replaced. The only reason why this is important to mention is because wear and tear can lead to weak locks that can be broken easily and security is the main concern. An obvious sign is rust where you can tell just by looking at it that it needs to be replaced. Another sign is when the key goes in with difficulty or requires some force to turn. You may be able to point out easily that the lock is the problem and not the key as the latter hasn’t been tampered with or shows no obvious signs of damage or rust. In instances like these, you know that the lock needs to be replaced.

Let’s discuss briefly some other reasons why and when you should replace your locks.

Poor Quality? Replace Your Locks!

You may want to replace your locks when you notice that the ones you have are of inferior quality. Maybe you live in a safe area and have never had to worry about burglaries. Maybe quality never occurred to you because your locks have been serving their purpose. Maybe there has been an increase in robberies in the area you live and that led you to inspect your locks. Maybe you just moved into a new house and saw that the locks were cheap. In situations like these, you may find yourself vulnerable due to the ease with which these locks can be broken which is why it would be ideal to have your locks replaced with those that are not only hard to break but also last longer.

Break in? Replace Those Locks!

If you’ve had a break in or an attempted burglary, you may find that multiple locks were damaged, tampered with, or broken altogether. If any locks show the slightest amount of damage, have them replaced. They can be broken easily if someone attempts to break in again or mechanical failures can occur, and in order to ensure your security, get new locks altogether. Even if your lock does not seem badly damaged, you might end up getting locked out of your own house due to the damage done to it. Make sure to replace your locks, and if there was a definite break in, make sure you to go through all your keys. You might find some missing, which brings us to the next point.

Robbers may have broken in and stolen your keys, or you might have lost your keys. Stolen keys can give access to your house or workplace. If your keys are lost, it is ideal to get new locks that come with new keys, paying extra attention to outdoor locks. If outdoor keys are stolen or lost, there is no question that your locks should be replaced. You may only want to replace keys and not entire locks if you’ve misplaced indoor keys, even if they’re stolen, because you mainly want to prevent outdoor access. No one can access indoor locks if they can’t even get in in the first place.

Changing Tenants? Change Locks!

The reason why you may want to change your locks might not have to do with locks at all, but since security is always a concern, you may want to consider replacing your locks. If you change tenants, change your locks. Not only does this secure no future access, it also provides assurance that even if they made copies of the keys – maybe just in case they lost ones that you provided – no one can get into your house uninvited. Previous tenants might have given a spare key out to guests who visited frequently or maybe looked after the house while they were out of town. You have peace of mind whether or not you live in that place that no one except you – or current tenants, if you have them – can access your house.

This also applies to new homes. If you have moved into a new home that has just been built or you have been given keys to your new house by previous owners, it is better to guarantee your security and have locks replaced. If you do not want indoor locks replaced, ensure outdoor replacement since you might only have a couple of locks and it will not cost you much. Renovations also require access by contractors, and if you gave them keys, it would be ideal to have your locks replaced.

You may want to have your locks replaced as changes occur in your life. You may have family members with disabilities or older family members who cannot necessarily unlock a door by turning a key. You may want to have current locks changed to a smart lock system where you can access locks with keypads or through your smartphone. A keyless entry not only provides more access to members of your family who cannot use locks and keys but also provides additional security since only those who know the code can access your property.

You may want to replace your locks in situations mentioned above, even when it might seem excessive. Security is important and it is usually a cost incurred only a few times due to the long-lasting high quality locks we provide.

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